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Producing meat, especially beef, requires a lot of resources. One pound of beef requires over 1500 gallons of water. One cow needs more than an acre of land. Meat is resource intensive.

We Have a Healthy and Humane Alternative


Supplying land and water for meat production has created serious problems for our planet, for the livestock we raise and for us as a species. We treat livestock in shockingly inhumane ways and we’re increasing meat production at breakneck speed. We’re destroying our own ecosystem to accommodate an ever-expanding consumer market for meat.

Kids today are going to see our population on this planet increase by 50%. Compounded by the never ending growth in popularity of beef around the world, meat production will need to double. Our planet simply can’t sustain this growth in meat production.

There is a sustainable solution

Insects. We can humanely raise insects using less water, less feed and less land. Insects can be raised in the home, on the farm and in large industrial buildings. Insects will not replace meat anytime soon but adding insects to our diets can reduce consumption and market growth. It’s one healthy solution.

Insects are an ancient food source billions of people still eat today and it’s virtually non-existent in our country. They offer a healthy, environmentally friendly food source that is underutilized here in the U.S. It doesn’t make sense. Logic holds that we should embrace insects as food. It’s an unwarranted cultural fear. Adopting insects in to our diets is not only good for us personally, it is good for the whole planet.


No-one believes that we’ll cut meat out of everyone’s diet in the next decade or two. But, we can reduce consumption and slow market growth.


Pound for pound, crickets are a powerful contender for meat.

    • Crickets are a real animal protein with all essential amino acids
    • Crickets supply more B12 than beef, chicken or pork
    • Optimal Omega 3:6 Balance
    • Strong Anti-Oxidant
    • More Iron than Spinach
    • More Calcium than Milk
    • Pre-Biotic Fiber


Rainforest is being cleared so we can have meat. Over three quarters of the deforested land in the Amazon is used for meat production.

They emit relatively few GHGs and relatively little ammonia


Feed ratio 1.5 pound of feed to produce one pound of cricket powder. Beef needs 20 pounds of feed per pound of meat.


They pose a low risk of transmitting zoonotic infections.







NOTE: Although every insect has a different set of nutritional benefits, we use crickets for comparison here since they are the most intentionally consumed insect in the U.S. Concerning insects, what you feed them has a substantial impact on what you get in return. The numbers used here are for crickets raised for human consumption using high protein chicken feed.


Edible insects – Future prospects for food and feed security